Alex and I had so much fun at the Pumpkin Patch this weekend! It is only one week until Halloween and I felt like we should start getting into the mood. The Pumpkin Patch at the RB Pinery had EVERYTHING. There was a corn maze, hay rides, and even a petting zoo.
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We visited the Petting Zoo/Pet viewing area while waiting for the hayride. The goats were adorable! It looks like they were sold out of petting zoo entrance tickets, but the Goats leaned right against the fence so you could pet them anyway because they love the attention.
The last time I was on a Hay ride was a haunted hay ride back in Missouri. I reckon that this hay ride will not be a haunted one because its already a halloween designated event and it was pointedly not scary. There were no chainsaws and the trackor went about 4 miles per hour. I would go as far as to say that it was quite a relaxing event.
You got a nice view of the corn and pumpkins.
I counted tell if these pumpkins were for free or what. They were separate from the nice pumpkins that were all laid out near the kitty cut out.
This is a selfie we took on the ride!
We took a short jaunt over to the sun flowers because they were so beautiful. I saw lots of monarch butterflies.
and bees!
The Corn Maze was also a nice jaunt. We don't get to use our Maze solving techniques often, but when we do, I surprise myself with how well the system works. At this rate we will be able to solve the pea maze at the carlsbad flower fields in no time at all. We solved the corn maze both backwards and forwards.
My ankle was hurting since I sprained it while on a run last thursday, so we bought our pumpkins and went home. I had so much fun at the pumpkin patch this year. I can not wait to make it a new family tradition!