

failed attempts

I have found that my previous attempts at a blog have failed. I tried to hard to focus each blog, making it something that someone else would want to read. Alas, I am interested in just too many things. I still need to write about myself though, as I crave this brand of quiet outburst.

I am the type of solitary person that needs some type of social impact to believe that I still exist. I don't need a big impact either, I don't have the energy to make a big impact anymore. I do hope that people read, because I do believe I can be an interesting person.

A bit about me: I love knitting, sewing, painting, and creating in general. I like camping and hiking, and running if my fitness level allows. I like to read books. I ride a motorcycle that is constantly breaking down. I work in a nanomachine lab and I am finishing up a degree in chemical engineering. I am planning to take the FE/EIT as well as the GRE in the next year. I am also a gluten intolerant vegetarian. 

I am also a considerate, sensitive, insecure girl like the rest of them.

I'll try to take pictures.

I want to also write about what I want and my journey to get there.
I want to be valued, I want to be self confident. I want to know things. 

I want to stay focused... and that has always been my problem.

Being a Gluten Intolerant Vegetarian