

Tracy Anderson

I found today that it is pretty easy to have an opinion about Tracy Anderson. Goop sent me an email about working out and that has been sort of my thing lately. I was immediately incested by her comments about running. As one that is training for a marathon and achieving excellent results, both physically and emotionally, I decided that this trainer was misguided.  The quote in particular said, “"While running and cycling may burn calories, they do not design feminine muscles” 

What do you mean, may burn calories? That's what exercise is about.  The fitness world just can't have it both ways. One minute we are told that you can't spot reduce fat and then Tracy Anderson tells us that running won't get rid of problem areas like her fitness regime does. (The New York Times Agrees)

GOOP asked her why people feel like they gain weight when they are running and she responds with that weird stuff. The answer to the question is that the hard part about running is nutrition. Running makes you lose weight because it helps them burn calories, but it also makes you eat more too. Once a jogger learns to eat healthy, eating to run not running to eat, that jogger becomes a runner.

My next thought was about whether or not Tracy Anderson has ever ran a marathon. As far as I can tell she hasn't. No one has ever documented that Tracy Anderson the Trainer has ran a marathon. While I did see some race results by a Tracy Anderson, its a pretty common name and even my work has one of them.

I also don’t like the idea of "feminine muscles".  It leads me to believe that she thinks not having muscles is feminine. Okay, I think I get where she comes from if someone exercises just to look good, but that just isn’t a great motivation to work out. Achieving something, being stronger and more balanced in everyday life is the good reason to work out. I think she must have the same messed up priorities as the people that pay her 7 figure salary . And that’s okay, she is allowed to live that life.  

I read this article about how one person followed her diet and started having alarming side effects. She took the diet to her nutritionist and was told that it was extremely unhealthy. Not unhealthy in the sense that you are dropping wieght for a short term and then go back on a normal healthy diet, but unhealthy in that your body is going to start destroying your organs.

This leads me to believe that you are supposed to want to follow this program. By this I mean that you will hold the program up to a best case scenario and cheat at it because you are listening to your body and you know whats good for you. You are probably eating healthier and exercising more, but you always feel guilty because you never are following the program exactly. You feel like you would achieve miracle results if you followed it verbatim, so you don't ask for your money back. The people that are happy with the program are losing weight albeit slowly.

One of my favorite bloggers has an article on Tracy Anderson she dutifully credits it as cray cray

The proof is in the pudding, though. Madonna, Gwenyth Paltrow, and Nicole Richie look great. They are rich, blonde, and rail thin. 

I wasn't the only one that was incested by this mailing, the examiner did as well. 

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