

Santee Boulders with Buffy

Santee Boulders
We took Buffy and our DSLR bouldering today. We are on the razors edge of buying a rope at REI today, but no dice. That stuff is never on sale, and if that is the case, why now? As we were driving away I asked myself why later then? I managed to freak myself out bouldering today, wishing I bought the rope the whole time.

You know, looking at these photos, I wonder why we even mess around with the barbie doll camera at all. Those photos look like butt compared to these.

Buffy Clipped to a bush

The first place we went was Snowcone, because we were tired of the amphitheater. That might have been a mistake because Alex felt like he had to flash everything. I thought it might have been great because the climbs on the Snowcone start at a 5.7. That didn't account for the fact that one must have to downclimb once they send. Yeah that terrified us. I managed to get up but I jumped off in a terrified manner. Alex didn't have a chance.

Snowcone with Alex and Buffy

Buffy was feeling quite restricted. We had to keep her this far away because if she had her way, she would be lounging on the crash pad just waiting to be crushed to death. 

 Then we went over to the crack on dogpile boulders. I sended it quickly, attempting to show alex some beta. I reopened that wound on my left hand. That sucker just will not heal right. Its been weeks. Its even been a full weak since I've done a crack. Its really uncool. I think I might have to put down cracks for a few weeks now waiting for my stupid hand to heal.
stupid broken hand.

Then we moved over to Terrible face near beehive boulders. I like that face because the route is short and there is a walk off. 

 The sun was quickly setting.


We met up with this fellow named Jackson who it turns out flies the plane that we always see over Solona Beach. I can't wait to see his plane fly tomorrow.

Hope you are having a good labor day!

Surfing Progress

Surfing at Solona Dog Beach