People that know me well know that I like to have a lot of irons in the fire. I like this blog being a snapshot of my life and memories, so I thought a general non specific update post was in order.
1. If you are a resident of San Diego and feel like being a compassionate global citizen, please consider going to the Hurricane Yolanda Fundraiser at Jasmine Seafood tomorrow evening (Wednesday, December 4th) 5:30-9pm. You can read about the event here. It is $30 per person for dinner and a show. Jasmine seafood is donating all the food, so 100% of the proceeds go directly to the Filipinos affected by this horrifying natural disaster. If you've done something horrible lately, this may make you feel like a better person! I promise it may or may not make you feel anything. Sincerely, though. I am going, and this is an issue that matters to me.
Click here for full article >>>>
3. My Thanksgiving went well. I did not go to Missouri to see my family, and it eats me up inside.
4. On Black Friday, I decided that I should buy 50 dollars worth of yarn and knit that blanket I've had on my to do list since I threw away my last afghan. I am using this adorable chevron pattern. I bought yellow and white yarn so my blanket may look exactly like the one at that link.
5. I have reinvigorated my interest in learning Italian. It is a glamorous language, and if I do not succeed fluency this time around, I have a feeling I'll revisit this interest time and time again. I obtained a Pimsleur audio only Italian course to follow.
6. I started Re-reading Gone with the Wind again. I read this article in the New York Times that compares Gone with the Wind with Twilight, and I was so disturbed, I decided to reread my favorite book in defiance.
7. I took a big emotional gamble by applying to the Mechanical Engineering Masters Program at SDSU. I just completed my application and I won't find out the results until april. No one is forcing me or even incentivizing me to get a masters degree, I just want to go back to school. If I don't get in this year, I'll apply again. I'll apply every year until I get in.
8. I have been running intervals lately. I've been doing a program where you run 2 minutes at a slow pace, 2 minutes at an intermediate pace, and 1 minute at a sprint. My running group and I have been doing a 11 min/mile, 10 min/mile, and 8 min/mile sprint set. We do this for 4 miles, about 7 sets. Its been amazing. My last informal 10k was 10:05 min/mile pace. This isn't as fast as my fastest half marathon even, but I feel like I've been doing exceedingly well.
9. I took the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam. I am awaiting my scores this month and next. It is a huge emotional risk because I don't necessarily need an engineering certification to work. I put myself in this situation when there is no big gain but only devastation if I fail.
10. I am looking toVolunteer. I have a meeting next week to interview become a mentor for at risk youths for the Boys and Girls Club. I know that kids and I don't tend to get along, but I think now that I am older and wiser, I might have a bit more handle on the situation. Really, I want to volunteer in a prison, but San Diego Prisons don't really do that. I found out about this opportunity at If it turns out that I'm not a good fit for this volunteer position, I was also playing around with the idea of teaching adults to read or becoming a girl scout troop leader. The latter doesn't really fit either because I never was a girl scout, but I think it would be an adventure.
What have you all been up to?