1. How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk. I took a New York Times Quiz to see if the way I talk really does give away where I live. I knew it would be hard because I was born in Missouri and lived in San Francisco and San Diego as I grew up.You Can see my results here . I suppose I talk like I'm from Tallahassee.
2. Unroll me. I took a cue from nicollette mason and signed up for Unroll.me. After a short "unsubscribe" selection, unroll.me took all of my junkmail and "rolled" it up into a single digest. Every morning I get an unroll email from the entire previous day containing all I missed. It changed my life quite a lot. I didn't realize that I get 95 junk emails every single day. The act of interrupting my life every few minutes to check my phone and archive all the trash that gets sent to my inbox is a thing a past. I was so distracted before.
My only gripe about this service is that sometimes I miss "flash sales" that are only a few hours long since I sometimes wait greater than 20 hours to read the rolled up email. The nice thing is that temptation isn't as strong when the flash sale is over. If that truely truely bothered me, I could log onto unroll.me and check out tomorrows email ahead of time (which I don't).
3. I have been putting butter in my coffee lately. This is a side effect of becoming a new fan of the bulletproof executive podcast. While I am skeptical that putting butter in my coffee will make me lose weight like it claims, I can totally understand how it can improve my mental clarity. Our brains run on fat. Indeed, I have been finding that I am more focused in the morning and my energy lasts until late in the day. That might have something to do with the fact that having such a fat punch as soon as I wake up has been keeping sugar cravings at bay. And I am totally suspectible to sugar cravings since I am a stones throw from a 7-11 at all times. Either way, I am going to keep it up. Sure, buying coconut oil and kerrygold butter increases my food budget by 15 dollars a week, but I find it to be worth it.
4. Did you hear that I am a climber now? My skills have improved by leaps and bounds. Just last week I climbed my first ever 5.10. That weekend I climbed my first 5.10 outdoors. This week, I can climb every single 5.11 at Solid Rock Gym. I am currently working on learning to lead belay at the gym so Scott can feel more comfortable doing lead climbs when he and I are alone. I have been advancing so quickly and so successfully that I am worried that this is the euphoria I get before major injury. At the same time, I feel like overcoming fear and learning how to keep trying, keep focusing past pain and muscle failure, has been a major part of my improvement. That is something injury can not take away from me.
5. I picked up my paints again recently. This is what I have been working on.
Right now this painting is hanging in my hallway.
6. Geography game. This has been occupying my time lately.
7. Thredup. I ordered another package from Thredup. I ordered less, felt like returning something then ended up not, had had two items I felt were a real win. More about that later.
8. I bought a ton of stuff from various Presidents Day Weekend Sales. I was pretty excited to get things in the mail! I obtained A new gym bag that I hope will keep me more organized at the gym, a new pair of approach shoes that will help keep me safe during the semi-treacherous hikes to our climbing locals, and a new down jacket that will keep me warm during our winter trips to joshua tree. If you notice, all of these things have to do with rock climbing.
Solo Terrex Approach Shoes. Adidas was having a 20% off sale over presidents day weekend. I wasn't as keen on black on black as I was about the yellow on black, but for only 49%, it was a steal. They only had the men's model in stock, but I decided to take a gamble and go for a Mens size 6 (I am a size 8 in womens). They fit during the test fitting, so I think the gamble paid off.
The joshua tree nights were so cold that I have been shopping for a down parka ever since. This one was on sale over presidents day weekend at Athleta.gap.com. I think I got a great deal because they are outta stock now and the best deal on ebay is $200.
9. Did you hear that most Extra Virgin Olive Oil found in stores is cut with lesser oils? Thankfully, my brand of Kirkland Organic was proven to be 100%. I was worried for a bit, because this was really going to cut into the bulletproof diet I just stumbled upon.
10. New Favorite Poem:
Dream Song 14
2. Unroll me. I took a cue from nicollette mason and signed up for Unroll.me. After a short "unsubscribe" selection, unroll.me took all of my junkmail and "rolled" it up into a single digest. Every morning I get an unroll email from the entire previous day containing all I missed. It changed my life quite a lot. I didn't realize that I get 95 junk emails every single day. The act of interrupting my life every few minutes to check my phone and archive all the trash that gets sent to my inbox is a thing a past. I was so distracted before.
My only gripe about this service is that sometimes I miss "flash sales" that are only a few hours long since I sometimes wait greater than 20 hours to read the rolled up email. The nice thing is that temptation isn't as strong when the flash sale is over. If that truely truely bothered me, I could log onto unroll.me and check out tomorrows email ahead of time (which I don't).
3. I have been putting butter in my coffee lately. This is a side effect of becoming a new fan of the bulletproof executive podcast. While I am skeptical that putting butter in my coffee will make me lose weight like it claims, I can totally understand how it can improve my mental clarity. Our brains run on fat. Indeed, I have been finding that I am more focused in the morning and my energy lasts until late in the day. That might have something to do with the fact that having such a fat punch as soon as I wake up has been keeping sugar cravings at bay. And I am totally suspectible to sugar cravings since I am a stones throw from a 7-11 at all times. Either way, I am going to keep it up. Sure, buying coconut oil and kerrygold butter increases my food budget by 15 dollars a week, but I find it to be worth it.
5. I picked up my paints again recently. This is what I have been working on.
Painting. |
This may be familiar. I freehanded the sketch based on one of the pictures I took when I was in Joshua tree.
Source Image |
6. Geography game. This has been occupying my time lately.
7. Thredup. I ordered another package from Thredup. I ordered less, felt like returning something then ended up not, had had two items I felt were a real win. More about that later.
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8. I bought a ton of stuff from various Presidents Day Weekend Sales. I was pretty excited to get things in the mail! I obtained A new gym bag that I hope will keep me more organized at the gym, a new pair of approach shoes that will help keep me safe during the semi-treacherous hikes to our climbing locals, and a new down jacket that will keep me warm during our winter trips to joshua tree. If you notice, all of these things have to do with rock climbing.
Solo Terrex Approach Shoes. Adidas was having a 20% off sale over presidents day weekend. I wasn't as keen on black on black as I was about the yellow on black, but for only 49%, it was a steal. They only had the men's model in stock, but I decided to take a gamble and go for a Mens size 6 (I am a size 8 in womens). They fit during the test fitting, so I think the gamble paid off.
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Approach Shoes |
The joshua tree nights were so cold that I have been shopping for a down parka ever since. This one was on sale over presidents day weekend at Athleta.gap.com. I think I got a great deal because they are outta stock now and the best deal on ebay is $200.
Down Duster Jacket |
This gym bag was 20% off. In retrospect, maybe I should have gotten the black one? For some reason, more subtle colors appeal to me online.
Puma Gym Bag |
9. Did you hear that most Extra Virgin Olive Oil found in stores is cut with lesser oils? Thankfully, my brand of Kirkland Organic was proven to be 100%. I was worried for a bit, because this was really going to cut into the bulletproof diet I just stumbled upon.
10. New Favorite Poem:
Dream Song 14
Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so.
After all, the sky flashes, the great sea yearns,
we ourselves flash and yearn,
and moreover my mother told me as a boy
(repeatingly) ‘Ever to confess you’re bored
means you have no
Inner Resources.’ I conclude now I have no
inner resources, because I am heavy bored.
Peoples bore me,
literature bores me, especially great literature,
Henry bores me, with his plights & gripes
as bad as achilles,
who loves people and valiant art, which bores me.
And the tranquil hills, & gin, look like a drag
and somehow a dog
has taken itself & its tail considerably away
into mountains or sea or sky, leaving
behind: me, wag.