This marks the end of week 9 of the Hal Higdon Novice Supreme Marathon Training plan.
I noticed today on facebook that one of my friends posted a map of his run using an iphone app called Mapmyrun. Now, this got me disproportionately excited because I always laboriously google map my runs before I go and write directions on my hand.
On the negative side, now I know how fast I run. I've been starting to worry that my runs take too long, and this confirms it.
This is the analysis it spit out.
I always thought I ran slow because of that massive hill that hits the first leg of my run. I really can't say that because it seems that even at my fastest when it levels off, I only go 11 minutes per mile.
I'm a slow-bee. I'm a little disappointed because I was a nice average 8 minute miler back in my Triple-Crown Days. To be fair, I ran 3 miles yesterday AND my arms and chest are sore from Trapezing-around last night. I am going to keep it up and see if my splits are any better on my tuesday run after being very well rested.