

Pole Dancing at Sumara Pole

I was so close to not even showing up to my Intro to Poleclass at Sumara Pole. I ran way too much last weekend and I’m devastatingly behind on my fundamentals of engineering test studying. It also happened that I had to go alone.

I was taught by the company’s owner, Sara. She has amazing confidence that shines through her. The class itself was very tactical. Our feet had to be placed exactly so and we had to hit our marks or else mess up the entire flow. It was also hard on my hands. Friction and resistance against the pole is key and a moisturized hand is the enemy.  It made the lesson painful in a bad way. Lets just say it right now, it wasn’t painful in the good way.  This was so not exercise. I didn’t even feel compelled to log the workout in Daily Mile.

The fun part, however, was looking in the mirror and feeling just a bit sexy. I’ve never had the feeling before in my life. I could see how something as small as that fleeting moment can lead someone to a lifetime of obsession. So maybe I will take a second class afterall.

Maybe. Frankly climbing is more fun, rewarding, picturesque, and better exercise.  

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