

Thredup Box #3, a Rousing Success.

I ordered a huge box from Thredup last week. I noticed that 2 out of my 4 cardigans had holes on the elbows from extreme wear. I must wear my cardigans a lot. I have also been wearing the heck out of my silk top and have been wanting more to fill in the handwash cycle gaps. Silk just feels so luxurious that I wish I could wear it everyday.

The most apepaling reason to use Thredup is the price. Thredup is extraordinary affordable. Its affordable because it works just like a consignment store. The second reason to use thredup is the quality. When they say that the item has a tiny flaw, it truely is tiny. Shopping at Thredup is like shopping at your local Goodwill except they flush 90 percent of the junk out.

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They also have a ton of deals. If you want to try Thredup out, you can use my link and get $10 off your first purchase. If you order on Mondays over the thredup iphone app, you get an 10% off.  I also had a 40% off coupon code off of RetailMeNot for the order you are seeing here today.  I paid ~$120 for the 8 items you see on this page.

I noticed that the packaging has improved since the last time I used this service. It seems, I don't know, blogger optimized. 

 The second panel to the box had a feel good message about upcycling.

This is new. Thredup included an envelop so I could trim my closet down. Somehow they know exactly how I think. 

This adorable little tag came on every article of clothing. 
The first item I got was a Camel J.Crew Cardigan.  I like that it is long, hitting mid thigh, and fits snugly but not obscenely tight. It fits. I suppose I am a standard medium. After all discounts, I paid $11.10

Camel J.Crew Cardigen

The second item was a really comfy off day long casual cardigan by Soft Surroundings. . After the discounts, I paid $17.70. I honestly thought it would be a little thicker but it turned out to be a little whisp of a thing. There is no way it could possibly not fit by the drapey nature of its construction, but it might have been a bit more easy breezy than I would have bought into a store. 
Soft Surroundings Cardigan, $17.70

The third item is this awesomely comfortable silk top by C Abi.   I love the dreamy pattern and the periwinkle hue. I have nothing else this color.  It is a little awkard around the shoulders, but it has that milky soft touch that silk has against the skin. I love this top. After the discount, I paid $15.90.

C Abi silk top, $15.90

The fourth item was an oversized bolero by The Limited. It calls itself a cardigen, but its a huge bolero, trust me. Its a pain to keep it on because the construction isn't restrictive around the shoulders. The fabric is also thinner than I thought it would be. The photo that Thredup gives me makes it look, I don't know, better constructed. Had I seen this item in real life, I would not have bought it.  After the discount, I paid $7.50. A small enough amount of money to take a chance. I think it will look bomber with jeans.
The Limited Cardigen, $7.50

The fifth item was this yellow cardigen by The Limited. This cardigen fits a bit tight around the waist, almost the opposite problem that the previous limited cardigen above has. Its silly because both of them are dubbed "size M". They both fit, mind you, but its a pretty lose interpretation of the word medium if you ask me. I feel like I took a chance with the color seeing as yellow is a hit or miss against my skin. I felt like it was worth the chance because yellow is such a happy color. I think this one is a win, if I can find a pair of pants to go with it. After the discount, I paid $7.50.

Yellow Cardigen by The Limited, $7.50

The Sixth Item was, surprise surprise, another cardigen. This one is a very very good cardigan by the Gap. It is made with weighty material in a modern color. Dont let the photo fool you, it is a lovely teal/aquamarine color. It is actually warm, not that I would need that in sunny summer san diego, but it is nice to have clothing that isn't a replica of the real thing. This one will make it to the top level of my closet come california winter, I know it. After the discount, I paid $6.90.

The Gap Cardigan, $6.90.


Item number 7 is another breezy silk top by French Connection. This one is larger than the silk top above and in more youthful colors. It has the same loose structureless construction as the previous. I decided that this is the most flattering shape that one can buy online. No matter what, it will fit the way you think it does with the least likely chance that you will be surprised by the outcome and want to return it. This item turned out to be a success, and I am quite happy for it. The color is a little bit youthful for me, but I think I will wear it a lot because of how good it feels. After all discounts, I paid $19.20.

French Connection Silk top, $19.20.

 I saved the best for last. This was the last item in my cart and probably the biggest splurge. I know I like the way I look in shirt dresses, and god knows that no one should own more than 3, but this one looked like it had the potential to be adorable with its suiting fabric and light blue color. This Ellen Tracy Casual Dress makes me feel pretty. After discounts, I paid $23.35. My biggest qualm about the dress is that it is awkwardly missing a second button. Look closely. Do you see how awkward that is? It is clear that you aren't supposed to button the top button, but maybe I'm that type of gal.
Ellen Tracy Casual Dress, $23.35

This thredup box was a rousing success. I will wear every item I bought and have not even an inkling of buyers remorse. Everything fit and suited my style well. Sure I may have played it safe by buying items that are acting as replacements as things I have worn to death, but that is how I know I will LOVE the items I buy. Especially that teal Gap cardigen. I may have to sew leather patches to the elbows of that one.

If this looks like fun, go ahead and check thredup out. If you use my link, you will get $10 off your first purchase, which is an excellent deal considering how low cost everything already is. Their catalouge is huge, and I am sure you will find something you love.

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