

Buffy in San Dieguito

Buffy can not wait for her walk
 Buffy begged, just begged me to go on a walk and car ride today. I went to my car to clean lipstick stains off of my rear view mirror when Buffy ran out the door and refused to get out of the car. That is why we went. We went on a sweet little walk at the San Dieguito trails. 

I spent a lot of time thinking about this blog, actually. Did you know that I've had this blog for 7 years?
Buffy Leads the way
7 years of blogging doesn't surprise me as much as you think it would. I have always been an avid journal keeper. I have journals that date back to kindergarten. But this isn't a journal, is it? People are more apt to call a blog a business sooner than they would call it a diary. When people talk and write about blogging, they compare them in terms of readership and monetization. It is hard for me to justify maintaining this blog from that value position alone.

I suppose what I am saying is that I am not quite sure what this blog is. 

I haven't been good about making it a journal. I am not the type of person that shares a lot about my personal life. I haven't been good about making it a business either. I am not trying to sell things. That's what a successful business does, it sells things. I don't want to make this blog about selling things because I don't want life to be about the exchange of products. There is the rub, isn't it. A blog has to be one or the other. 

I think there will be a change, and soon. 

I'm tired of this blog just being for me. I want to offer something to the world. 

Next week I am going to joshua tree! Loook out for more pictures there. 

Alex in front of a dramatic tree.

Joshua Tree Climbing Trip Photo Gallery (Indian Cove 2014)

High Tide