

Antique Gas and Steam Engine Musuem

There is an Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum in Vista. We haven't been to it before so we decided to check it out. For some reason it sounded way more fun than the creationist museum, and we've thoroughly pursued all the Balboa park options three times over. 

We thought it would be more musuem-y. There weren't many placards and most of the time we didn't know what we were looking at. In general, it looked like we were walking through a partially curated junk yard. I could tell it was cool and unique, I just culdn't make heads or tails of it. The point of a musuem is to like, learn something, right? I could tell there was some real information here if only a knowledgeable and vociferous person was standing beside me. 

Photos to follow. 

Afterwards we went to BJs and the day was saved although I had the worst black velvet ever. Use Guinness or call it something else for god sakes.

Snorkeling at La Jolla Cove

Del Mar Fair Throwback