

Too Many Sides

I thought about what to make for dinner all day. When I got home, Alex asked if we could go to soup plantation. We made too many sides and decided to minimize the impact of this unfortunate mistake by putting it on the biggest plates we own.

I had a hankering for Golden Tofu since we botched it a couple of days ago. I remember it being really filling since the sauce is so sweet and dense, but we decided to make mash potatoes again because if everything goes to hell in a handbasket, we can just eat potatoes and still be able to function. 

I had everything ready for frying anyway so I made up some mushrooms. It would have been perfect if I had an onion in that moment. While they were on my plate I realized that a touch of soy sauce wouldn't have been bad either. 

It is pretty exciting that all this eating has been making me gain weight. Normally I am such a bad chef that not eating out makes me lose weight like crazy. I think the moment I learned how to make a simple sauce with honey and soy sauce, all bets were off. 

Those potatoes and corn were made in the same pot too! Its not that clean up was a breeze or anything... We are still hammering out the kinks in this nightly dinner thing.

So this is the first time we couldn't finish all of the food. We had to save the corn and the tofu. I know the corn will keep, but this will be an experiment with the tofu. 

Oh yeah. I was supposed to a 5 mile run today. Pointedly did not do it. That is two missed runs this week if you count the day I pushed back to recover from the failed 18 miler that I pushed back.

If you think I'm not worried about my marathon, you are wrong. I am terrified. I am terrifed that I had a chance to do something amazing by transforming my mind and body and I didn't do it. I got close to achieving my dreams and instead I felt the crush of mediocrity both holding me back and taunting me for not succeeding. I am supposed to be listening to my body, but I don't know how this is possible unless I ignore it.

Next time I train for a marathon, I'll remember to not get sick.

I worked a lot today for a day off

Tamales are even better the next day.