

12 Joshua Tree Camping/Climbing Must Haves

Joshua Tree Camping/Climbing Must Haves

1. Neutrogena Sunscreen with 35 SPF.
Everyone needs to wear sunscreen in the Desert. Just because the experience is sweaty and grimey doesn't mean I have to abuse my pores. I used this sunscreen on my face and didn't burn or break out even after a 3 day trip. Trust me, I was sweating buckets and still had protection all day long.

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2. Sea To Summit Titanium Spoon.
It is easy to forget dining equipment on a camping trip. I did, and I ended up having to eat my meals a full step behind everyone else. I bought this spoon for the trip and it was great. It has a good hand feel and comes with a biner to clip onto a dining package. I am planning on repurposing this spoon by taking it to lunch everyday.

3. Canon Powershot.
I call this my barbie doll camera. While I prefer to use a DSLR for my photography, its too much of a risk to take it up a pitch. I attach this camera to my harness and let it rattle around my pack just in case there is a can't miss view from the top. These small cameras are cheap and robust. I think you can get them from ebay now for less than 10 dollars.

4. Kate Spade Tortoise Shell Sunglasses.
Sunglasses are a must for the desert. This pair is quite stylish. They managed to stay shiny and scratch free despite the wind and dust.

5. Athleta Down Duster.
Mine is in the color Beige/Tan. Layering is important because it is blisteringly hot in the sun, cool in the shade and close to freezing at night. I love this jacket because it is toasty enough for campfire sitting and the short flashlight walk to the bathroom in the cold dead of night. I also like to ball it up and use it as a pillow.

6.  Adidas Terrex Solo Approach Shoes.
I only had to bring one pair of non-climbing shoes this trip. Approach shoes double as class 4 scrambling shoes as well as hiking and all around shoes.

7.  Nalgene Bottles.
This bottle is so tough. I accidentally dropped it into a pile of rocks at one point and it didn't dent. there were a few scratches, but it still looks pretty new. I normally use a camel back but for this car-camping and short approach trip I wanted something that fit IN my bag without taking half the space.  I bought this one in the adorable color seen here at Nomad Ventures.

8. Lululemon Stride Jacket.
This light jacket is perfect for layering underneath my Athleta Jacket and over my swiftly tee at night. I also wear this jacket in the shade during the climbing trip as well as out into town when we venture in for supplies. This jacket is so cozy and feels like a second skin when climbing.

9. Joshua Tree Climbing Guide by Miramontes.
A lot of people say this climbing guide is just for locals who need more routes than Vogel has to offer, but I disagree. The Vogel Guide has black and white photos that make it hard for a beginner to find thier way around. This All Color guide is almost baseline what you need to scout a new route and actually find the one you need without getting in trouble.

10. Lululemon Run: Swiftly Tee with Silverescent.
This shirt is what caused me to make this post. I only brought one shirt to Joshua tree and this was it. I tested the Silverescent technology on this trip by wearing it for three days straight. I spent three days exposed to the desert sun, sweatting my butt off, crawling through prickly brush,  and bathing in campfire smoke. This shirt passed the test. It didn't smell disgusting afterwards. I could have worn it for a full week. This is incredibly unusual for a sweat wicking tee, which is usually quite sacrificial when it comes to scent vs sweat wicking capability. Really, I hope I sound amazed because it was a miracle.

And also the shirt is ultraflattering. I felt quite pretty hiking around in it.

11.Nikon D5000 DSLR.
I am one of those wierdos that take thier DSLR climbing. A lot of people say that they take pictures with their phone and that is sufficient. I don't think its enough. Sure, if all you are interested in is posting to instagram with a filter, than an iPhone photo may be okay. But that doesn't cut it for me. Photos facilitate memories, and can greatly influence whether or not you recall something fondly. I need a high powered instrument to capture an experience the way I feel it. I need more than a 300x600 pixel photo to influence the way I live my life.

12. La Sportiva Mythos.
I used these shoes on every route. They are a little spendy compared to the other options, but I don't regret these shoes one bit. At the end of the day, when everyone was complaining about how much they overlooked thier foot conditioning training and thier cramped toes, I was still going strong. These shoes aren't as comfy as say, a pair of ugg booties, but they are as comfy as you can get for a pair of ultra tight climbing shoes.

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Truncated Joshua Tree Photography