

Eating myself to Immobility.

I felt really gross after my 13 miler last Sunday. I had to take Monday and Tuesday off of work because I was sloppily ill. Alex tried to make me feel better by buying me 3 lbs of sour cream that I absentmindedly demolished in 3 days. I haven’t tried yet, but I am sure a run will make it obvious that those 3 pounds have struck a claim on my hindquarters.

I had an excuse that I was trying to make myself feel better, but at the same time I am concerned that this will make a dent on my marathon aspirations. I skipped 3 runs and 5 days of marathon training. This doesn't include all the other runs I skipped earlier for other various reasons.

So much worry. I keep worrying that I'll get to the marathon unprepared and I will have a miserable quarter century. I'll have wasted 6 months of my life running around like an idiot. Did your training have this much worry?

5k training Run PR

Foxy Trails vs The La Jolla Half Marathon