

On My Radar... April

On My Radar... April


For some reason Spring is weighing heavily now more than it has in other years. Maybe its because of my newfound addiction to who what wear and refinery29.  It is at the latter that clued me into the fact that I should be spending 5% of my income on clothing. That is an exciting and interesting prospect. I am debating what I will actually be getting for April, and I want it to be fun and colorful. These are my top contenders..

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1.  Chambray Shirt. My old blue button up top wore a hole on the right elbow from constant (over) wear and from my expanding upper body. I think Its about time to upgrade from my $15 Old navy shirt to a big girl office appropriate top.

2. Floral Cardigan. This is Totally, totally, without a doubt, a trend piece. Florals are so in this season, and take it for someone like me to need ANOTHER cardigan. I think its cute, and I definitely ripped this aspiration off of one of my fashionable co workers. At least, living in San Diego, I would be able to wear it year round.

3.  Charcoal Face Mask. I've been hearing so much about charcoals that I want to try it, just once. I love me a face mask, thats for sure. I doubt I will notice a difference but I am sort of tired of my default face masks.

4. Hydrangeas. Casey and Matt's wedding had beautiful hydrangeas on the table display and I've been able to keep my take home alive for 4 days now. By dunking the nearly dessicated hydrangeas in cold water, I managed to completely revive them from the brink of death not once, but twice. I am starting to think I have a knack for this.

5. Bare Minerals Foundation. Its not so glamorous to say that I decided to start wearing foundation! But this stuff is excellent and a good beginners product for someone who is still getting used to the concept.

6. Mustard Nail Polish. I don't own any yellow nail polish. I feel like yellow is actually not a great color on me. I want to take a risk with this delightful color.

7. Coral Nail Polish. As surpringing as it was to want yellow nail polish, it was even more surprising to look into my nail polish drawer and see that I don't own any pink nail polish. I want some bad. The urge to wear pink nail polish comes up more often that I would like to admit. Also, I've been wanting to try Deborah Lippmans stuff for a while.

8. Joshua Tree climbing Salve. I am going to buy this in two days, I just know it. The granite in Joshua Tree is really rough and it will rip the skin off my hands within two minutes of getting there. The Salve will patch me back together to the point where I can keep climbing. It will hurt, but what worthwhile thin in life doesn't hurt?

9. The Birkenstocks look extra fun and ohso comfortable, especially in that sweet mint color. I see people who have had thier Birkenstocks for YEARS, and I figure the sooner I buy some, the longer I can own them. That of course, is only true if they last the rest of my life haha.

10.  Wicker Shoes by Ugg. These adorable shoes are made by Ugg so there is a way better chance of them being comfortable. I don't HATE heels, I just hate feeling like I am sacrificing anything for fashion. I won't compromise, if its not functional I won't wear it. I need to try these on to decide if these are walkable enough to actually on.

11. La Sportiva Mythos. These were my big ticket item for March. I bought these Shoes for my Joshua Tree Climbing Trip. I knew I was going to buy shoes anyway, and it wouldn't make sense to buy them after the trip, would it? All my friends own this pair of shoes but MINE are a cute color.

10 Things Lately...April

Wordless Wednesdsay